Résultats de recherche pour : myth

Myth-busting: DOAJ is run and owned by publishers

This is a myth. A common misconception is that DOAJ is owned by publishers. In reality, DOAJ is 100% independent and the majority (82%) of its funding is from public organisations. All of the funding received by DOAJ is given voluntarily and the majority comes from public organisations, such as libraries, library consortia, research funders…

Myth-busting: all open access journals can be listed in DOAJ

This is a myth. People think that DOAJ exists to index all open access journals. A journal can only be indexed if it passes all of our criteria. The Directory of Everything Open Access The Directory of Everything open access would be a wonderful thing but of how much use would it be? DOAJ understands…

Myth-busting: Journals must meet the DOAJ Seal criteria to be indexed in DOAJ

This is a myth. There is a common misunderstanding that for a journal to have its application accepted and be indexed in DOAJ it must meet all the criteria for the DOAJ Seal. There is an assumption, born out of that misunderstanding, that journals in DOAJ without the Seal are of inferior quality. This is…

Myth-busting: DOAJ takes too long to reach a decision

This is a myth. From about 2012 until 2017, DOAJ was struggling to keep on top of the amount of applications being received. Implementing new acceptance criteria and making 9900+ journals reapply exacerbated the problem and suddenly we had many reapplications and new applications coming in at the same time. Triage All applications go through…

Myth-busting: DOAJ indexes “predatory” journals

This is, of course, a myth. Some people are afraid to use DOAJ because they believe that it lists questionable (“predatory”) journals. DOAJ started to clean up its index in 2014. DOAJ was the first service to define the standards aimed at preserving the quality and trustworthiness of a database of open access journals. Today,…