We are always looking for ‪‎volunteers‬ to help us review the applications for journals wishing to be indexed in ‪‎DOAJ‬. We have well over 100 people, from all over the world, helping us already. It’s a growing and exciting network to be part of and the work being done directly contributes to the quality of peer-review, open access publishing. Are you interested in joining us?

How much work is it?
We ask our volunteers to give us 4 or 5 hours of their time per week but you are left to manage your own schedule.

Who should volunteer?
Anyone who has knowledge and enthusiasm for academic journals, scholarly publishing, ‪‎open access‬, electronic publishing, librarianship, digital preservation. We particularly welcome ‪librarians‬, information studies professionals and students, PhD students, researchers and people affiliated with research institutions. The important thing is that you understand some of the mechanics, principles and politics behind open access and scholarly publishing.

We are always looking for people who have an excellent grasp of English as a first, second or third language.

If you can speak the following languages, with English, we would love to hear from you:

‪‎Arabic (العربية)
Bulgarian‬ (български)
‪Chinese‬ (中文)
‪Czech‬ (česky)
‪Farsi‬ (فارسی)
‪French‬ (français)
German (deutsch)
‪Hungarian‬ (magyar)
‪Indonesian‬ (Indonesia)
‪Macedonian‬ (македонски)
‪Polish‬ (Polski)
‪Portuguese‬ (Português)
Romanian (român)
‪Russian‬ (Русский)
‪Slovak‬ (slovenský)
‪Slovenian‬ (slovensko)
‪Spanish‬ (Español)
‪Turkish‬ (Türkçe)

How do I apply?
If you have any questions, contact me here or email feedback@doaj.org

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  1. Thanks all for your interest. Unfortunately, this is an old post which was updated to remove the link to the application form because we are not currently looking for volunteers. we will publish a new post as soon as the volunteer program opens again. Thank you again! Dominic, DOAJ Operations Manager

  2. Dear Surs/ Madams
    I am interested in being onebof the DOAJ reviewers. Please let me know how to apply for this position and what kind of training I will get.

    Yours faithfully

  3. Dear, Mrs./Mr/Madam
    I am very interested in becoming a doaj team volunteer, and feel proud if I can be accepted as a team of DOAJ volunteers

    Yours faithfully
    Abdur Rahman from Indonesia

    1. Thank you Abdul for your interest. Just now we aren’t taking on any new volunteers but keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages for further announcements. Best wishes, Dom

  4. Hi, I would love to get involve in tho DOAJ project, i speak 8 languages and im a librarian so i think i can be very helpful.
    Hope to hear from you soon