Some journal web sites state that the journal is indexed DOAJ when it is not. Often, the home page carries the DOAJ logo along with logos from other indexing services. Even though we write to these journals, there is no guarantee that they will remove our logo.
I advise you to ALWAYS check at that a journal is indexed in DOAJ even if its web site carries the DOAJ logo or says that it is indexed. You can never be too careful and it only takes as long to check as it takes to type the journal name or ISSN into the DOAJ search box and press Return.
If you spot a journal that is carrying the DOAJ logo but is not indexed in DOAJ, I would love to hear from you!
The list of journals has moved to a new location.
[NOTE: this post was edited on 04th January 2018 and the list was migrated to a publicly available spreadsheet.]
It’s alarming how blatantly they advertise their support for open access or adherence to its philosophy, only to charge you $35 when you click “read full article.”
Indeed it is. For that reason, we ask members of the community to get in touch with DOAJ should they find a web site that has a different policy or different information to that which is displayed on DOAJ.
Reblogged this on sonofbluerobot.
Can you please include ISSNs for easier identification? Thanks.
Yes, Dave. I will do that. Thanks!
Thanks, CSV also +1.
Expanded, in alphabetical order and with ISSN where there is one. At some stage, I will move this to a public Google document (spreadsheet) depending on how long this list becomes.
Terrific, thanks Dom!
Please Could you Verify this Journal?? International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
on there website they said they have indexed DOAJ
But I couldn’t see any on your list…
This journal is currently indexed in DOAJ but has yet to submit its reapplication. If it doesn’t submit its reapplication before the end of December 2015, it will be automatically removed from DOAJ.
EA journals : IJHPHR displays your logo on
Is it part of your list?
Yes it is. Dom
I have seen the following journals claim indexing by DOAJ without being able to confirm it:
International Journal of Contemporary Research & Review –
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention –
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research –
Dear DOAJ, I can’t find this journal indexed on DOAJ, although it claims to be:
Also, it seems to be a hijacked version of this legitimate journal:
Thank you! We appreciate the contribution!
Thanks a lot. There is another journal that claims to be indexed by DOAJ, but I can’t find it:
As before, this seems to be a hijacked version of this legitimate journal:
This is really helpful. However, it will further help to know which journals had been in the database but withdrew or failed to update their membership. A yearly listing might help in this case.
Hi Joseph,
You can find that information on the 3rd tab of this spreadsheet:
Best wishes, Dom
DOJ, please I help us how to connect our journal ( at DOJ, Thanks
Hello there, you must fill out an application: for your journal to be indexed.
Best, Dom
Journal of Health and Social Sciences is this journal a part of your list?
Can you provide the ISSN?
is International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR) (ISSN: 2249-9571) indexed in DOAJ.
This is what the journal says—
International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (ISSN: 2249-9571) is indexed/included in the following database.
Scopemed, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Google, HINARI (WHO, Geneva), Genamics, Open Science Directory, AGORA, BOAI, SOROS, Scirus, Index Scholar, Journal Index, eJManager, Find ejournal, NEWJOUR, Open J-Gate, ICMJE, WorldCat, AcademicKeys, Docstoc, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, getCITED, Ulrich’s International Directory and Other Databases.
The journal used to be indexed in DOAJ but was withdrawn because it didn’t return a reapplication to us. It is listed here:
Best, Dom
Operations Manager
Is Otolaryngology Online Journal (ISSN: 2250-0359) indexed in DOAJ?
No, this journal failed our reapplication process. It is on this list here:
Best, Dom
Operations Manager
Two journals recently removed (according to spreadsheet) but still boasting DOAJ inclusion:
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2156-5570
International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence 2165-4050
Thank you Marc! We appreciate your contribution. These two journals have been added to the list.
Best, Dom
Operations Manager
I am wondering about Waste Technology (2338-6207). It is included on your list, but as far as I can see, it is indexed by DOAJ here:
Is this perhaps a mistake?
That journal was removed from DOAJ some time ago and then added back again. I have removed it from our list. Thank you for your contribution.
Dear DOAJ,
I have noticed that Indian Journal of Science and Technology ( ) is still claiming to be indexed by DOAJ, although the journal failed to submit a reapplication.
I have added it here. Thank you for your contribution (Dom)
Is this a peer-reviewed journal?
Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal \(PBSIJ\)
They state on the site that they have reviewers ( but I would check this journal very carefully if you are considering submitting to it. It may not fulfill some basic criteria. Use Think.Check.Submit as a guideline, as well as the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice:
Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
it seems Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics ( ) is still claiming to be indexed by DOAJ, although it was removed for not adhering to the Best Practice.
Thank you for your contribution. I have added this to our list.
Dear DOAJ,
I have noticed that World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ( ) are claiming to be indexed in DOAJ, however I can’t find them in the database. Then I noticed they have written on their “Indexing” subpage that the application is “in process”, but the journal already uses DOAJ logo on their main website. I’m a bit suspicious if they are actually telling the truth about their application to DOAJ…
Best wishes.
I contacted the site and they have removed DOAJ from their list. Thanks, Dom
Thanks a lot.
Dear DOAJ, Could you kindly confirm if this journal is authentic and in your list.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
This journal is *not* in DOAJ:
Best, Dom
Scholarly of
Dear DOAJ,
Could you kindly advise if this journal is authentic or predatory -Journal of Genetic and Hereditary Case Studies.
Many thanks
Dear Shanti, I am afraid that we cannot advise you of that as we have no record of it in DOAJ. It is not indexed with us. I would review it very carefully using the advice offered at
Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) was earlier indexed in DOAJ but was removed in 2017. All DOAJ indexing claims have been removed from the official website of this journal.
Kindly request you to update your list.
Thank you.
Thank you, Gurpreet. I have removed that journal from our list. Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
Can you check is it International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies indexed with DOAJ Also, can you chekc the International Journal of Academic Research and the International Multidisciplinary Research Journal All of them says it is indexed on their websites.
Dear Elmas, none of those journals are currently indexed in DOAJ. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science is already on our list.
I cannot find that International Journal of Academic Research states that they are indexed in DOAJ so have not added them.
European Academic Research has been added to the list.
Thanks for your contribution.
Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) – – claims to be indexed by DOAJ, but I can’t find them in your database.
Thank you for your contribution. I have added the journal to the spreadsheet.
Dear DOAJ,
Please help me in finding out that whether International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (ISSN 2229-5518) is listed with you? they claim in their website that they are listed with you.But i could not find out in your list.
Dear RISHAB, no this journal is not indexed with DOAJ. Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research (IPEDR) ( ) claims to be indexed in your database, but I can’t find them there.
Thank you for your contribution. I have investigated and added them to our list. Best, Dom
Dear DOAJ,
the two journals below are claiming to be indexed by DOAJ, but yet again, I can’t find them in your database:
– South East Asian Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law (SEAJBEL) (ISSN 2289-1560)
– International Journal of Business, Economics and Law (IJBEL) (ISSN 2289-1552)
Both of these sites say that indexing is under consideration, which is true. We have received applications from them. I will not be adding them to the list. Thanks for your input.
Thanks a lot.
Dear DOAJ,
the following journal lists DOAJ as one of the indexing locations, but I can’t find them in your database:
International Journal of Research in Management, Science & Technology (IJRMST) (ISSN: 2321-3264)
Thank you. That journal was removed in June 2017: I have written to the journal and asked them to update their site.
Dear DOAJ,
Please, can you help me to check if this journal is authentic? Journal of Arts and Humanities – Journal of Arts and Humanities (Print) ISSN:2167-9045
Journal of Arts and Humanities (Online) ISSN: 2167-9053;
Indeed it is and it is indexed in DOAJ:
Dear DOAJ, Please, can you help to check if this journal is authentic? Interface: a journal for and about social movements
ISSN 2009-2431
The journal was in DOAj at one time but failed to return a renewed application to us so was removed. You can see it on this spreadsheet here:
Dear DOAJ,
Can you help me whether this journal is indexed by your database as it claims : International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
No, this journal is not in DOAJ and is already on our list Thanks for checking, Dom
It is with Springer. Is it necessary to find if this journal is registered? If you can help me, I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
Hi Bijesh, this journal is not open access so will not be in DOAJ.
Thank you.
Dear Doaj,
It seems International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health (2091-0878) does no longer claim that it is indexed by DOAJ (or at least, I can’t find the webpage that they claim so). So you can probably remove it from your list. Please double check this.
Best wishes.
Thank you! I have removed them from our list.. Best, Dom
Open Journal of nursing is claimed to be indexed on DOAJ but cannot find it there, what is the status.
That journal is NOT indexed in DOAJ. Thank you for alerting us to this. I cannot see DOAJ’s name here: – can you point me to where they mention our name?
Hi, I am facing problem that i published few articles in
International journal of biology pharmacy and allied sciences
It is indexing from JCR master list
but according to beall;s
if it is present in JCR master list
it is not predatory
Please remove from the list
We do not list that journal anywhere. Best, Dom
Dear Beall and dear DOAJ what about Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, predatory or not?
DOAJ does not comment on the authenticity of a journal. There are online tools to help you do that:
Dear doaj
I need to know if the dawn journal is a fake one or not.earlier it was indexed in doaj but it authentic ?
DOAJ does not comment on the authenticity of a journal. There are online tools to help you do that:
Dear DOAJ,
It seems like Rasayan Journal of Chemistry ( ) claims to be indexed by DOAJ, but I can’t find it in your database.
Best wishes.
Thank you. I have added it to the list.
I have now removed them from the list again as I contacted them and they removed DOAJ from their site.
Great, thanks!
Environmental and Experimental Biology, I would like to know about this journal, is it a predatory journal
Hello Geeta! Environmental and Experimental Biology is indexed in DOAJ. We recommend also using tools like Think.Check.Submit. ( to evaluate individual journals, as we do not comment on an individual journal’s legitimacy.
please is European journal of business and management indexed
You might like to use the search functionailty at to find journals