We would like to thank all of you for what has turned out to be a wonderful and successful year for DOAJ: we launched our advanced application form and created our network of voluntary Associate Editors and Editors who help us process reapplications and new applications.

The DOAJ Team is particularly grateful this year to all our sponsors, publisher members y members, without whom we would not be able to do our work. We have worked extensively with our technical partners, Cottage Labs, this year to improve the DOAJ platform, the user experience, the quality of the data and the review & application process. Without your financial support this wouldn’t have been possible. Everyone who backs DOAJ financially has directly contributed to this work and the safeguarding of the reputation of high quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly publishing.

Seasons Greetings and we wish you a prosperous 2015!

Lars Bjørnshauge
Sonja Brage
Dom Mitchell
Tom Olijhoek
Rikard Zeylon

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