The partnership between Érudit and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which aims to facilitate the application of French-language journals for DOAJ-indexing, is beginning to show encouraging results.
As a first step, the two organizations worked together to better understand the issues specific to each and to define the primary objectives of the project. It was determined that the documentation should be translated into French, that the project should be specifically aimed at Canadian journals, and that several journal workshops would be required with a set number of journals. This initiative is part of Coalition Publica, and seeks to contribute to the standardization of editorial practices in Canadian scholarly journals.
Five journals have been selected to participate in this pilot project. In addition to the workshops, an analysis of each journal and several individual meetings have been conducted. Two of these journals are now listed in the DOAJ: Revue Gouvernance, which is attached to the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa, and Percées, published by the Société québécoise d’études théâtrales (SQET). The documentation translated into French is freely available on the DOAJ website: https://doaj.org/apply/guide/#in-other-languages .
In addition, Érudit conducted a workshop in collaboration with ACFAS and the libraries of Université Laval and UQAM in the spring of 2021, which highlighted the major role of DOAJ in an open access environment for francophone researchers, and the part Érudit can play in this environment.
This pilot project will continue in the coming months, with the objective of supporting more journals and strengthening collaboration with university libraries.