Résultats de recherche pour : reapplication


IDRC grant to improve OA journals from the Global South

We are very pleased to announce that IS4OA/DOAJ has been given a grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to improve open access publishing practices in the developing world. The overall objective of the grant is to enhance DOAJ and the open access infrastructure that supports researchers` ability to publish in reputable open access…

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‘Indexed in DOAJ’ versus ‘the DOAJ Seal’

I need to clarify what being indexed in DOAJ means and how the Seal is related to that, and how the reapplication process works. There is a common misunderstanding that only journals that get the Seal are “indexed in DOAJ”, that only Seal journals are quality, peer reviewed open access journals. This is incorrect. ALL…


Reblog: Top 10 publishers in DOAJ (by number of titles) 2014 to 2015

We’re a big fan of the work of the Sustaining Knowledge Commons team. The post below, published yesterday, takes a look at the change in the Top 10 list of publishers indexed in DOAJ from 2014 to 2015. Source: Top 10 publishers in DOAJ (by number of titles) 2014 to 2015 In her post, Heather…