June 14, 2024

A new agreement has been announced 13th June 2024 between the PubScholar and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

PubScholar and DOAJ will work together to promote high-quality open access scholarly publishing and enhance the domestic and international visibility, discoverability and influence of quality open access journals within China and internationally.

About PubScholar

PubScholar, a public academic platform, is built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a leading force in the national strategic scientific and technological system. It fulfills the role of safeguarding academic resources as the “national team” to meet the academic resource needs for scientific and technological innovation in the entire scientific and technological community and society. The platform provides services such as discovery, access, and sharing of public academic resources.

The platform, with the premise of respecting intellectual property rights and international norms, leverages the advantages of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in possessing rich and high-quality academic resources. It encourages collaboration with academic resource institutions both domestically and internationally, aiming to maximize access to high-quality academic resources. So far, the platform integrates resources from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including scientific and technological achievements, scientific publications, and academic exchange resources. It also incorporates academic resources that can be integrated under an open-access (OA) environment, as well as those authorized through agreements, licenses, or other cooperative modes.

The platform focuses on exploring the construction of public academic resources and innovates in service models, with a commitment to achieving mutually beneficial cooperation with various academic resource owners and providers globally. The goal is to create a collaborative and shared mode, effectively promoting the long-term and sustainable development of public academic resource services.

About DOAJ

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ deploys more than one hundred carefully selected volunteers from the community of library and other academic disciplines to assist in curating open access journals. This independent database contains over 20,000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. DOAJ is financially supported worldwide by libraries, publishers, and other like-minded organizations. DOAJ services (including the evaluation of journals) are free for all, and all data provided by DOAJ are harvestable via OAI/PMH and the API. 


DOAJ – Joanna Ball, Managing Director – joanna@doaj.org

NSLC  – Kunhua Zhao – oa@mail.las.ac.cn

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