DOAJ is proud to announce its support for the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, launched today.

As a trusted repository of open access journals, DOAJ contributes to advancing open research information. Our journal and article metadata is openly shared with libraries, research infrastructures, funders, and governments, facilitating research evaluation and funding decisions. The commitments outlined in the Barcelona Declaration align closely with DOAJ’s mission and values, and with our adoption of the Principles of Open Scholarly Information. We welcome this call to make openness of research information the norm.

The Barcelona Declaration underlines the transformative power of openness in research information and highlights the limitations and challenges posed by closed, proprietary infrastructures. By removing the barriers of paywalls and restrictive licenses, we can ensure that crucial decision-making processes in science are based on transparent and reproducible research outcomes.

We are pleased that so many organisations have already committed to making openness the default for the information they use, working with services and systems that support and enable open research information, and, importantly, supporting the sustainability of open research information infrastructures. 

We support the call for all organisations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research to support the transition to open research information and to sign the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information.

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