Applications are now closed.

DOAJ is looking for volunteers for a new editorial sub-committee. The sub-committee will provide advice to the DOAJ Editorial Team, Board and Council on editorial matters.

The sub-committee will meet for one virtual meeting every quarter, probably of about 1-2 hours.

If you are interested, please send an email to our Editor-in-Chief, Tom (, which includes:

  • which of the field(s) below you can offer expertise in;
  • details of any previous editorial experience that you have; and
  • the names of two people who can confirm your experience.

DOAJ is looking for ten experts in the following fields:

  • medicine
  • life sciences
  • physical sciences
  • social sciences
  • humanities
  • the arts
  • statistics
  • publishing/research ethics

The aim of the sub-committee is to provide advice on editorial issues uncovered during the review of an application or a journal which is already in DOAJ. These are often issues raised by the DOAJ Editorial Team and which require specialist input. For example:

  • editorial process, workflow, publishing procedures
  • content quality
  • publishing technologies and best practice
  • publication ethics
  • legal and copyright issues

The sub-committee operates in an advisory capacity. Advice may be sought on DOAJ’s own editorial policy, or we may call upon the sub-committee to provide objective advice on appeals or complaints brought to DOAJ, often from publishers who have had an application rejected or a journal removed.

Candidates should have direct experience in academic publishing, as publishers, editors,
reviewers or librarians. If you know of anyone in your network who you think would be suited to this position, please share this post with them and ask them to contact us.

When selecting members for the sub-committee, DOAJ will ensure that diversity is maintained, particularly diversity in language and subject. DOAJ is an adopting organisation of the C4DISC Joint Statement of Principles.

Répondre à Jiban K. Pal (@JibanKPal) Annuler la réponse

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6 Commentaires

  1. I am glad to hear this from DOAJ. Being an active member of the re3data Editorial Board for the last couple of years, I was thinking to be a part of this platform. Even, I sent a message (in last month) to explore the way of my involvement with DOAJ… I would like to take this opportunity, and quite interested to nominate myself with deep concern and commitments. (URL: